My day at Parc Asterix

Created by David 3 years ago

When we were living in France, Lorraine and James some weekends only, we took the opportunity to see the sights. Of course James wanted to try out the theme parks. We thought that Parc Asterix on the South side of Paris would be a great day out so off we went. Now Lorraine tells a story of one ride that she never forgot.

Even for a theme park quite a few French like to look their Sunday best despite the fact that some of the rides can be quite rough. Lorraine James and i were in tee shirts and shorts and we were enjoying the weather and the rides. We saw one ride that looked really exiting. It was a fast flowing river with the route being very curving and twisting. We were shown to a circular inflatable boat which had seating around the edge. It was a lovely yellow colour.

As we were about to leave this elegant or should i say chic French lady was helped into the boat and sat opposite us. As the ride started off the boat started rotating randomly probably because it was circular. This was great fun as tossed and turned, looking one way and then the other over the surrounding scenery. A bit further on we were suddenly surprised by this water jet spraying from the bank. It covered us in water as the boat spun around. Next bend and there were a whole series of additional water sprays and you can imagine Lorraine screaming and laughing as the ride continued. We were all soaked from head to feet and it got worse as we got nearer the end. We were all laughing.

Then stop, time to finish and get out of the boat. It was at this point as the water was draining out of our clothes that Lorraine noticed the French lady. She was completely DRY! all her hair, her smart dress all unmarked and perfectly dry. We do not believe how this was achieved, all we know is that we had a brilliant day out.